Class ConversionHelp

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConversionHelp

    Utility conversion routines for use with XStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConversionHelp

    • Method Detail

      • encode

         static String encode(String p)

        Encode a string (if necessary) for output to a JTL file. Strings are only encoded if the output version is 1.0, but nulls are always converted to the empty string.

        p - string to encode

        encoded string (will never be null)

      • decode

         static String decode(String p)

        Decode a string if inVersion equals 1.0

        p - the string to be decoded

        the newly decoded string

      • cdata

         static String cdata(Array<byte> chars, String encoding)

        Embed an array of bytes as a string with encoding in a xml-cdata section

        chars - bytes to be encoded and embedded
        encoding - the encoding to be used

        the encoded string embedded in a xml-cdata section

      • isSpecialProperty

         static boolean isSpecialProperty(String name)

        Check whether name specifies a special property

        name - the name of the property to be checked

        true if name is the name of a special property

      • getPropertyName

         static String getPropertyName(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context)

        Get the property name, updating it if necessary using NameUpdater.

        reader - where to read the name attribute
        context - the unmarshalling context

        the property name, may be null if the property has been deleted.

      • getPropertyValue

         static String getPropertyValue(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context, String name)

        Get the property value, updating it if necessary using NameUpdater. Do not use for GUI_CLASS or TEST_CLASS.

        reader - where to read the value
        context - the unmarshalling context
        name - the name of the property

        the property value, updated if necessary.

      • getUpgradePropertyName

         static String getUpgradePropertyName(String name, UnmarshallingContext context)

        Update a property name using NameUpdater.

        name - the original property name
        context - the unmarshalling context

        the property name, may be null if the property has been deleted.

      • getUpgradePropertyValue

         static String getUpgradePropertyValue(String name, String value, UnmarshallingContext context)

        Update a property value using getCurrentName. Do not use for GUI_CLASS or TEST_CLASS.

        name - the original property name
        value - the original property value
        context - the unmarshalling context

        the property value, updated if necessary

      • saveSpecialProperties

         static void saveSpecialProperties(TestElement testElement, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer)

        Save the special properties:

        • TestElement.GUI_CLASS
        • TestElement.TEST_CLASS
        • TestElement.NAME
        • TestElement.ENABLED
        testElement - element for which the special properties should be saved
        writer - HierarchicalStreamWriter in which the special properties should be saved
      • restoreSpecialProperties

         static void restoreSpecialProperties(TestElement testElement, HierarchicalStreamReader reader)

        Restore the special properties:

        • TestElement.GUI_CLASS
        • TestElement.TEST_CLASS
        • TestElement.NAME
        • TestElement.ENABLED
        testElement - in which the special properties should be restored
        reader - HierarchicalStreamReader from which the special properties should be restored