Class XPathUtil

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XPathUtil

    This class provides a few utility methods for dealing with XML/XPath.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • makeDocumentBuilder

         static DocumentBuilder makeDocumentBuilder(boolean validate, boolean whitespace, boolean namespace, boolean downloadDTDs)

        Create a DocumentBuilder using the makeDocumentFactory func.

        validate - should the parser validate documents?
        whitespace - should the parser eliminate whitespace in element content?
        namespace - should the parser be namespace aware?
        downloadDTDs - if true, parser should attempt to resolve external entities

        document builder

      • makeDocument

         static Document makeDocument(InputStream stream, boolean validate, boolean whitespace, boolean namespace, boolean tolerant, boolean quiet, boolean showWarnings, boolean reportErrors, boolean isXml, boolean downloadDTDs)

        Utility function to get new Document

        stream - - Document Input stream
        validate - - Validate Document (not Tidy)
        whitespace - - Element Whitespace (not Tidy)
        namespace - - Is Namespace aware.
        tolerant - - Is tolerant - i.e.
        quiet - - set Tidy quiet
        showWarnings - - set Tidy warnings
        reportErrors - - throw TidyException if Tidy detects an error
        isXml - - is document already XML (Tidy only)
        downloadDTDs - - if true, try to download external DTDs


      • makeDocument

         static Document makeDocument(InputStream stream, boolean validate, boolean whitespace, boolean namespace, boolean tolerant, boolean quiet, boolean showWarnings, boolean report_errors, boolean isXml, boolean downloadDTDs, OutputStream tidyOut)

        Utility function to get new Document

        stream - - Document Input stream
        validate - - Validate Document (not Tidy)
        whitespace - - Element Whitespace (not Tidy)
        namespace - - Is Namespace aware.
        tolerant - - Is tolerant - i.e.
        quiet - - set Tidy quiet
        showWarnings - - set Tidy warnings
        report_errors - - throw TidyException if Tidy detects an error
        isXml - - is document already XML (Tidy only)
        downloadDTDs - - if true, try to download external DTDs
        tidyOut - OutputStream for Tidy pretty-printing


      • makeTidyParser

         static Tidy makeTidyParser(boolean quiet, boolean showWarnings, boolean isXml, StringWriter stringWriter)

        Create a Tidy parser with the specified settings.

        quiet - - set the Tidy quiet flag?
        showWarnings - - show Tidy warnings?
        isXml - - treat the content as XML?
        stringWriter - - if non-null, use this for Tidy errorOutput

        the Tidy parser

      • putValuesForXPathInList

         static void putValuesForXPathInList(Document document, String xPathQuery, List<in String> matchStrings, boolean fragment)

        Put in matchStrings results of evaluation

        document - XML document
        xPathQuery - XPath Query
        matchStrings - List of strings that will be filled
        fragment - return fragment
      • putValuesForXPathInList

         static void putValuesForXPathInList(Document document, String xPathQuery, List<in String> matchStrings, boolean fragment, int matchNumber)

        Put in matchStrings results of evaluation

        document - XML document
        xPathQuery - XPath Query
        matchStrings - List of strings that will be filled
        fragment - return fragment
        matchNumber - match number
      • validateXPath

         static void validateXPath(Document document, String xpathString)

        Validate xpathString is a valid XPath expression

        document - XML Document
        xpathString - XPATH String
      • validateXPath2

         static void validateXPath2(Document document, String xpathString, String namespaces)

        Validate xpathString is a valid XPath expression

        document - XML Document
        xpathString - XPATH String
        namespaces - Space separated set of prefix=namespace
      • formatXml

         static String formatXml(String xml)

        Formats XML

        xml - string to format

        String formatted XML