Class LdapExtClient


public class LdapExtClient extends Object
Ldap Client class is main class to create ,modify, search and delete all the LDAP functionality available Based on the work of: author T.Elanjchezhiyan([email protected])
  • Method Details

    • connect

      public static DirContext connect(String host, String port, String rootdn, String username, String password, String connTimeOut, boolean secure, boolean trustAll) throws NamingException
      connect to server
      host - name of the server to connect
      port - port of the server to connect
      rootdn - base of the tree to operate on
      username - name of the user to use for binding
      password - password to use for binding
      connTimeOut - connection timeout for connecting the server see "com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout"
      secure - flag whether ssl should be used
      trustAll - flag whether we should trust all certificates
      newly created DirContext
      NamingException - when creating the DirContext fails
    • disconnect

      public static void disconnect(DirContext dirContext)
      disconnect from the server
      dirContext - context do disconnect (may be null)
    • searchTest

      public static NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchTest(DirContext dirContext, String searchBase, String searchFilter, int scope, long countlim, int timelim, String[] attrs, boolean retobj, boolean deref) throws NamingException
      Filter the data in the ldap directory for the given search base
      dirContext - context to perform the search on
      searchBase - base where the search should start
      searchFilter - filter this value from the base
      scope - scope for search. May be one of SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE, SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE or SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE
      countlim - max number of results to get, 0 for all entries
      timelim - max time to wait for entries (in milliseconds), 0 for unlimited time
      attrs - list of attributes to return. If null all attributes will be returned. If empty, none will be returned
      retobj - flag whether the objects should be returned
      deref - flag whether objects should be dereferenced
      result of the search
      NamingException - when searching fails
    • compare

      public static NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> compare(DirContext dirContext, String filter, String entrydn) throws NamingException
      Filter the data in the ldap directory
      dirContext - the context to operate on
      filter - filter this value from the base
      entrydn - distinguished name of entry to compare
      result of the search
      NamingException - when searching fails
    • moddnOp

      public static void moddnOp(DirContext dirContext, String ddn, String newdn) throws NamingException
      ModDN the data in the ldap directory for the given search base
      dirContext - context to operate on
      ddn - distinguished name of object to rename
      newdn - new distinguished name of object
      NamingException - when renaming fails
    • modifyTest

      public static void modifyTest(DirContext dirContext, ModificationItem[] mods, String string) throws NamingException
      Modify the attribute in the ldap directory for the given string
      dirContext - context to operate on
      mods - list of all the ModificationItems to apply on string
      string - distinguished name of the object to modify
      NamingException - when modification fails
    • createTest

      public static DirContext createTest(DirContext dirContext, Attributes attributes, String string) throws NamingException
      Create the entry in the ldap directory for the given string
      dirContext - context to operate on
      attributes - add all the attributes and values from the attributes object
      string - distinguished name of the subcontext to create
      newly created subcontext
      NamingException - when creating subcontext fails
    • deleteTest

      public static void deleteTest(DirContext dirContext, String string) throws NamingException
      Delete the attribute from the ldap directory
      dirContext - context to operate on
      string - distinguished name of the subcontext to destroy
      NamingException - when destroying the subcontext fails