Class JFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) 
    public class JFactory

    Enables to apply styles that persist across look and feel updates.

    The class provides APIs to configure Swing components so the look is consistent, and it updates the components when Look and Feel changes

    Swing API provides no standard components and colors for: small, big components; warning, error styles for labels; and so on

    Note: by default JTable comes with fixed rowHeight which does not work when the fonts are scaled. So you need to call singleLineRowHeight or configure rowHeight manually

    • Constructor Detail

      • JFactory

    • Method Detail

      • refreshUI

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static void refreshUI()

        Re-initializes the current LaF and updates the UI for all the open windows.

      • refreshUI

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static void refreshUI(String className)

        Set new look and feel for all the open windows.

        className - look and feel class name
      • tabMovesFocus

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JTextArea tabMovesFocus(JTextArea textArea)

        By default JTextArea uses tab to add tab character, however, sometimes it is desired to use tab to move focus.

        textArea - input textarea to configure moving focus on tab
      • small

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JButton small(JButton component)
      • small

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JLabel small(JLabel component)
      • big

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JLabel big(JLabel component)
      • singleLineRowHeight

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JTable singleLineRowHeight(JTable component)

        Updates setRowHeight with the height of a single line. There's no Swing property for rowHeight, so each table should be configured individually

        component - input table to configure
      • error

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JLabel error(JLabel component)

        Configures the label to look like warning.

        component - input label
      • warning

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static JLabel warning(JLabel component)

        Configures the label to look like error.

        component - input label
      • withDynamic

        @API(since = "5.3", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL) static <T extends JComponent> T withDynamic(T component, Consumer<out Object> onUpdateUi)

        Attaches a configuration action that is executed when Look and Feel changes.

        Note: the action is executed when withDynamic is called, and the action is executed even if the new and the old LaFs are the same.

        component - component to update
        onUpdateUi - action to run (immediately and when look and feel changes)