Class BundleInstallSupport.FrameworkInfo

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class BundleInstallSupport.FrameworkInfo
    extends Object

    Low-level state of system, provides information about start levels (initial and current), system bundle, bundle of features service and entire map of bundle IDs to Bundle instances.

    There's no relation to regions.

    • Field Detail

      • ourBundle

        public org.osgi.framework.Bundle ourBundle
      • systemBundle

        public org.osgi.framework.Bundle systemBundle
      • cmBundle

        public org.osgi.framework.Bundle cmBundle
      • initialBundleStartLevel

        public int initialBundleStartLevel
      • currentStartLevel

        public int currentStartLevel
      • bundles

        public Map<Long,​org.osgi.framework.Bundle> bundles
    • Constructor Detail

      • FrameworkInfo

        public FrameworkInfo()