Class StateManagerWrapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • StateManagerWrapper

        public StateManagerWrapper()
      • StateManagerWrapper

        public StateManagerWrapper​(StateManager delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • getWrapped

        public StateManager getWrapped()
        Description copied from interface: FacesWrapper
        A class that implements this interface uses this method to return an instance of the class being wrapped.
        Specified by:
        getWrapped in interface FacesWrapper<StateManager>
        the instance of the class being wrapped
      • saveSerializedView

        public StateManager.SerializedView saveSerializedView​(FacesContext context)
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Invokes getTreeStructureToSave and getComponentStateToSave, then return an object that wraps the two resulting objects. This object can then be passed to method writeState.

        Deprecated; use saveView instead.

        saveSerializedView in class StateManager
      • saveView

        public Object saveView​(FacesContext context)
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Returns an object that is sufficient to recreate the component tree that is the viewroot of the specified context.

        The return value is suitable for passing to method writeState.

        saveView in class StateManager
      • getTreeStructureToSave

        protected Object getTreeStructureToSave​(FacesContext context)
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Return data that is sufficient to recreate the component tree that is the viewroot of the specified context, but without restoring the state in the components.

        Using this data, a tree of components which has the same "shape" as the original component tree can be recreated. However the component instances themselves will have only their default values, ie their member fields will not have been set to the original values.

        Deprecated; use saveView instead.

        getTreeStructureToSave in class StateManager
      • getComponentStateToSave

        protected Object getComponentStateToSave​(FacesContext context)
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Return data that can be applied to a component tree created using the "getTreeStructureToSave" method.

        Deprecated; use saveView instead.

        getComponentStateToSave in class StateManager
      • writeState

        public void writeState​(FacesContext context,
                               StateManager.SerializedView state)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Associate the provided state object with the current response being generated.

        When client-side state is enabled, it is expected that method writes the data contained in the state parameter to the response somehow.

        When server-side state is enabled, at most a "token" is expected to be written.

        Deprecated; use writeState(FacesContext, Object) instead. This method was abstract in JSF1.1, but is now an empty non-abstract method so that old classes that implement this method continue to work, while new classes can just override the new writeState method rather than this one.

        writeState in class StateManager
        IOException - never
      • writeState

        public void writeState​(FacesContext context,
                               Object state)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        Associate the provided state object with the current response being generated.

        When client-side state is enabled, it is expected that method writes the data contained in the state parameter to the response somehow.

        When server-side state is enabled, at most a "token" is expected to be written.

        This method should be overridden by subclasses. It is not abstract because a default implementation is provided that forwards to the old writeState method; this allows subclasses of StateManager written using the JSF1.1 API to continue to work.

        writeState in class StateManager
      • getViewState

        public String getViewState​(FacesContext context)
        Description copied from class: StateManager
        This method should be called from somewhere when ajax response is created to update the state saving param on client. The place where this method is called is an implementation detail, so there is no references about from where in the spec javadoc.
        getViewState in class StateManager