Class UINamingContainer

    • Constructor Detail

      • UINamingContainer

        public UINamingContainer()
        Construct an instance of the UINamingContainer.
    • Method Detail

      • getSeparatorChar

        public static char getSeparatorChar​(FacesContext context)
        context -
      • isRendered

        public boolean isRendered()
        Description copied from class: UIComponentBase
        A boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.
        isRendered in class UIComponentBase
      • visitTree

        public boolean visitTree​(VisitContext context,
                                 VisitCallback callback)
        Description copied from class: UIComponent
        The visit tree method, visit tree walks over a subtree and processes the callback object to perform some operation on the subtree

        there are some details in the implementation which according to the spec have to be in place: a) before calling the callback and traversing into the subtree pushComponentToEL has to be called b) after the processing popComponentFromEL has to be performed to remove the component from the el

        The tree traversal optimizations are located in the visit context and can be replaced via the VisitContextFactory in the faces-config factory section

        visitTree in class UIComponentBase
        context - the visit context which handles the processing details
        callback - the callback to be performed
        false if the processing is not done true if we can shortcut the visiting because we are done with everything