Class ResultSetDataModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResultSetDataModel

        public ResultSetDataModel()
      • ResultSetDataModel

        public ResultSetDataModel​(ResultSet resultSet)
    • Method Detail

      • getRowCount

        public int getRowCount()
        We don't know how many rows the result set has without scrolling through the whole thing.
        Specified by:
        getRowCount in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        the number of rows available.
      • getRowData

        public Map<String,​Object> getRowData()
        Get the actual data of this row wrapped into a map. The specification is very strict about what has to be returned from here, so check the spec before modifying anything here.
        Specified by:
        getRowData in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        The object associated with the current row index.
      • getWrappedData

        public Object getWrappedData()
        Description copied from class: DataModel
        Get the entire collection of data associated with this component. Note that the actual type of the returned object depends upon the concrete subclass of DataModel; the object will represent an "ordered sequence of components", but may be implemented as an array, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet or other similar types.
        Specified by:
        getWrappedData in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        the wrapped object.
      • isRowAvailable

        public boolean isRowAvailable()
        Description copied from class: DataModel
        Returns true if a call to getRowData will return a valid object.
        Specified by:
        isRowAvailable in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        true if a call to getRowData will return a valid object. false otherwise.
      • setRowIndex

        public void setRowIndex​(int rowIndex)
        Description copied from class: DataModel
        Set the current row index. This affects the behaviour of the getRowData method in particular.
        Specified by:
        setRowIndex in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        rowIndex - The row index. It may be -1 to indicate "no row", or may be a value between 0 and getRowCount()-1.
      • setWrappedData

        public void setWrappedData​(Object data)
        Description copied from class: DataModel
        Set the entire list of data associated with this component. Note that the actual type of the provided object must match the expectations of the concrete subclass of DataModel. See getWrappedData.
        Specified by:
        setWrappedData in class DataModel<Map<String,​Object>>
        data - The object to be wrapped.