Class AbstractContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractContext
    extends Object
    implements jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context
    A skeleton containing the most important parts of a custom CDI Context. An implementing Context needs to implement the missing methods from the Context interface and getContextualStorage(boolean). NOTE: Taken from Apache DeltaSpike
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContext

        protected AbstractContext​(jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager beanManager)
    • Method Detail

      • getContextualStorage

        protected abstract ContextualStorage getContextualStorage​(boolean createIfNotExist)
        An implementation has to return the underlying storage which contains the items held in the Context.
        createIfNotExist - whether a ContextualStorage shall get created if it doesn't yet exist.
        the underlying storage
      • isPassivatingScope

        public boolean isPassivatingScope()
        whether the served scope is a passivating scope
      • get

        public <T> T get​(jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Contextual<T> bean)
        Specified by:
        get in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context
      • get

        public <T> T get​(jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Contextual<T> bean,
                         jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
        Specified by:
        get in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context
      • destroy

        public boolean destroy​(jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Contextual bean)
        Destroy the Contextual Instance of the given Bean.
        bean - dictates which bean shall get cleaned up
        true if the bean was destroyed, false if there was no such bean.
      • destroyAllActive

        public void destroyAllActive()
        destroys all the Contextual Instances in the Storage returned by getContextualStorage(boolean).
      • destroyAllActive

        public static void destroyAllActive​(ContextualStorage storage)
        Destroys all the Contextual Instances in the specified ContextualStorage. This is a static method to allow various holder objects to cleanup properly in @PreDestroy.
      • checkActive

        protected void checkActive()
        Make sure that the Context is really active.
        jakarta.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException - if there is no active Context for the current Thread.