Class FacesConfigurationMerger

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class FacesConfigurationMerger
    extends Object
    SPI that uses the FacesConfigurationProvider-SPI to get all FacesConfig data and then it combines it into one FacesConfigData instance. For this merging process the ordering and sorting rules of the Faces spec must be applied. With this SPI it is possible to store the result of the complex ordering and sorting algorithm in order to skip it if no configuration changes are applied upon redeploy. Implementations of this SPI can take advantage of the decorator pattern in order to use the default SPI-impl.
    Jakob Korherr
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacesConfigurationMerger

        public FacesConfigurationMerger()
    • Method Detail

      • getFacesConfigData

        public abstract FacesConfigData getFacesConfigData​(ExternalContext ectx)
        Returns an object that collect all config information used by MyFaces to initialize the web application.
        ectx -