Class ClassUtils

  • public final class ClassUtils
    extends ClassUtils
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassUtils

        public ClassUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • buildApplicationObject

        public static <T> T buildApplicationObject​(Class<T> interfaceClass,
                                                   Collection<String> classNamesIterator,
                                                   T defaultObject)
        Creates ApplicationObjects like NavigationHandler or StateManager and creates the right wrapping chain of the ApplicationObjects known as the decorator pattern.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        interfaceClass - The class from which the implementation has to inherit from.
        classNamesIterator - All the class names of the actual ApplicationObject implementations from the faces-config.xml.
        defaultObject - The default implementation for the given ApplicationObject.
      • buildApplicationObject

        public static <T> T buildApplicationObject​(Class<T> interfaceClass,
                                                   Class<? extends T> extendedInterfaceClass,
                                                   Class<? extends T> extendedInterfaceWrapperClass,
                                                   Collection<String> classNamesIterator,
                                                   T defaultObject)
        Creates ApplicationObjects like NavigationHandler or StateManager and creates the right wrapping chain of the ApplicationObjects known as the decorator pattern.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        interfaceClass - The class from which the implementation has to inherit from.
        extendedInterfaceClass - A subclass of interfaceClass which specifies a more detailed implementation.
        extendedInterfaceWrapperClass - A wrapper class for the case that you have an ApplicationObject which only implements the interfaceClass but not the extendedInterfaceClass.
        classNamesIterator - All the class names of the actual ApplicationObject implementations from the faces-config.xml.
        defaultObject - The default implementation for the given ApplicationObject.
      • wrapBackwardCompatible

        public static <T> T wrapBackwardCompatible​(Class<T> interfaceClass,
                                                   Class<? extends T> extendedInterfaceClass,
                                                   Class<? extends T> extendedInterfaceWrapperClass,
                                                   T defaultObject,
                                                   T newCurrent)
        Wrap an object using a backwards compatible wrapper if available
        interfaceClass - The class from which the implementation has to inherit from.
        extendedInterfaceClass - A subclass of interfaceClass which specifies a more detailed implementation.
        extendedInterfaceWrapperClass - A wrapper class for the case that you have an ApplicationObject which only implements the interfaceClass but not the extendedInterfaceClass.
        defaultObject - The default implementation for the given ApplicationObject.
        newCurrent - The new current object
      • classForName

        public static <T> Class<T> classForName​(String type)
                                         throws ClassNotFoundException
        Tries a Class.loadClass with the context class loader of the current thread first and automatically falls back to the ClassUtils class loader (i.e. the loader of the myfaces.jar lib) if necessary.
        type - fully qualified name of a non-primitive non-array class
        the corresponding Class
        NullPointerException - if type is null
      • simpleClassForName

        public static Class simpleClassForName​(String type,
                                               boolean logException)
        Same as {link simpleClassForName(String), but will only log the exception and rethrow a RunTimeException if logException is true.
        type -
        logException - - true to log/throw FacesException, false to avoid logging/throwing FacesException
        the corresponding Class
        FacesException - if class not found and logException is true
      • getResource

        public static URL getResource​(String resource)
      • getResourceAsStream

        public static InputStream getResourceAsStream​(String resource)
      • paramString

        protected static final String paramString​(Class<?>... types)