Class SessionIdGenerator

  • public class SessionIdGenerator
    extends Object
    NOTE: Class taken from tomcat 7 org.apache.catalina.util.SessionIdGenerator and used here as an alternative for server side state token encryption.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SessionIdGenerator

        public SessionIdGenerator()
    • Method Detail

      • setSecureRandomClass

        public void setSecureRandomClass​(String secureRandomClass)
        Specify a non-default @{link SecureRandom implementation to use.
        secureRandomClass - The fully-qualified class name
      • setSecureRandomAlgorithm

        public void setSecureRandomAlgorithm​(String secureRandomAlgorithm)
        Specify a non-default algorithm to use to generate random numbers.
        secureRandomAlgorithm - The name of the algorithm
      • setSecureRandomProvider

        public void setSecureRandomProvider​(String secureRandomProvider)
        Specify a non-default provider to use to generate random numbers.
        secureRandomProvider - The name of the provider
      • setJvmRoute

        public void setJvmRoute​(String jvmRoute)
        Specify the node identifier associated with this node which will be included in the generated session ID.
        jvmRoute - The node identifier
      • setSessionIdLength

        public void setSessionIdLength​(int sessionIdLength)
        Specify the number of bytes for a session ID
        sessionIdLength - Number of bytes
      • generateSessionId

        public String generateSessionId()
        Generate and return a new session identifier.
      • getRandomBytes

        public void getRandomBytes​(byte[] bytes)