Class ViewDeclarationLanguageBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewDeclarationLanguageBase

        public ViewDeclarationLanguageBase()
    • Method Detail

      • calculateViewId

        protected abstract String calculateViewId​(FacesContext context,
                                                  String viewId)
        Calculates the effective view identifier for the specified raw view identifier.
        context - le current FacesContext
        viewId - the raw view identifier
        the effective view identifier
      • sendSourceNotFound

        protected abstract void sendSourceNotFound​(FacesContext context,
                                                   String message)
        Send a source not found to the client. Although it can be considered ok in JSP mode, I think it's pretty lame to have this kind of requirement at VDL level considering VDL represents the page --> Faces tree link, not the transport layer required to send a SC_NOT_FOUND.
        context - le current FacesContext
        message - the message associated with the error