Class StartupServletContextListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener, EventListener

    public class StartupServletContextListener
    extends Object
    implements jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener
    Initialise the MyFaces system.

    This context listener is registered by the JSP TLD file for the standard Faces "f" components. Normally, servlet containers will automatically load and process .tld files at startup time, and therefore register and run this class automatically.

    Some very old servlet containers do not do this correctly, so in those cases this listener may be registered manually in web.xml. Registering it twice (ie in both .tld and web.xml) will result in a harmless warning message being generated. Very old versions of MyFaces Core do not register the listener in the .tld file, so those also need a manual entry in web.xml. However all versions since at least 1.1.2 have this entry in the tld.

    $Revision$ $Date$
    Manfred Geiler (latest modification by $Author$)
    • Constructor Detail

      • StartupServletContextListener

        public StartupServletContextListener()
    • Method Detail

      • contextInitialized

        public void contextInitialized​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent event)
        Specified by:
        contextInitialized in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener
      • contextDestroyed

        public void contextDestroyed​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent event)
        Specified by:
        contextDestroyed in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener