Class WindowContextConfig

  • public class WindowContextConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration for the org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.WindowContext - it's customizable via the Alternative or Specializes mechanism of CDI.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowContextConfig

        protected WindowContextConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • isUrlParameterSupported

        public boolean isUrlParameterSupported()
        Specifies if it is allowed to use URL params for forwarding the current window-id. (deactivate it e.g. for higher security - in this case it's required to use a window id provided by a component lib or a server-side window-handler)
        true if it is allowed to add the window-id as URL parameter
      • isUnknownWindowIdsAllowed

        public boolean isUnknownWindowIdsAllowed()
        Allows to restrict window-ids.

        With the default window handler (esp. for Faces 1.2), URLs have to contain the window-id. If users bookmark these links, they could open 2-n tabs (with the bookmark) which have the same window-id. It is only possible to prevent it if the ClientSideWindowHandler is used.

        ATTENTION: Since CODI-1.0.6 this is set to true as defalt!

        This must be enabled to:

        • allow target attributes in a href
        • support multiple webapps in an EAR scenario. Since each webapp has it's own session, they would otherwise trash their windowIds each time you link from one webapp to another one
        • play nicely with other frameworks which use the for browser tab detection
        true to allow all windowIds already present in false to only allow window-ids which are generated by CODI
      • isAddWindowIdToActionUrlsEnabled

        public boolean isAddWindowIdToActionUrlsEnabled()
        if set to true CODI will add a windowId=xxx parameter while encoding each action URL.
        true if the window-id should be added, false otherwise
      • getWindowContextTimeoutInMinutes

        public int getWindowContextTimeoutInMinutes()
        Specifies the time for the timeout for a window. After a timeout is detected all beans which are only linked to the window will be destroyed.
        the time for the timeout for a window
      • getMaxWindowContextCount

        public int getMaxWindowContextCount()
        Restricts the number of active windows.
        limit for active windows
      • isCloseEmptyWindowContextsEnabled

        public boolean isCloseEmptyWindowContextsEnabled()
        Allows to activate the cleanup of empty window contexts to avoid cleanup e.g. of the eldest window context instances if the max. count is reached.
        true for activating it, false otherwise
      • isEagerWindowContextDetectionEnabled

        public boolean isEagerWindowContextDetectionEnabled()
        Allows to restore the window-context before the component tree gets built.
        true for activating it, false otherwise
      • isCreateWindowContextEventEnabled

        public boolean isCreateWindowContextEventEnabled()
        Specifies if the org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.event.CreateWindowContextEvent will be fired.
        true if the event should be fired, false otherwise
      • isCloseWindowContextEventEnabled

        public boolean isCloseWindowContextEventEnabled()
        Specifies if the org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.event.CloseWindowContextEvent will be fired.
        true if the event should be fired, false otherwise