Class OutcomeTargetUtils

  • public class OutcomeTargetUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods for OutcomeTarget components.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutcomeTargetUtils

        public OutcomeTargetUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getValidUIParameterChildren

        public static List<UIParameter> getValidUIParameterChildren​(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                                    List<UIComponent> children,
                                                                    boolean skipNullValue,
                                                                    boolean skipUnrendered)
        Calls getValidUIParameterChildren(facesContext, children, skipNullValue, skipUnrendered, true);
        facesContext -
        children -
        skipNullValue -
        skipUnrendered -
        ArrayList size > 0 if any parameter found
      • getValidUIParameterChildren

        public static List<UIParameter> getValidUIParameterChildren​(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                                    List<UIComponent> children,
                                                                    boolean skipNullValue,
                                                                    boolean skipUnrendered,
                                                                    boolean skipNullName)
        Returns a List of all valid UIParameter children from the given children. Valid means that the UIParameter is not disabled, its name is not null (if skipNullName is true), its value is not null (if skipNullValue is true) and it is rendered (if skipUnrendered is true). This method also creates a warning for every UIParameter with a null-name (again, if skipNullName is true) and, if ProjectStage is Development and skipNullValue is true, it informs the user about every null-value.
        facesContext -
        children -
        skipNullValue - should UIParameters with a null value be skipped
        skipUnrendered - should UIParameters with isRendered() returning false be skipped
        skipNullName - should UIParameters with a null name be skipped (normally true, but in the case of h:outputFormat false)
        ArrayList size > 0 if any parameter found