Schnittstelle HasDecorationPosition

Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
DateTagDeclaration, FileTagDeclaration, InTagDeclaration, OutTagDeclaration, RangeTagDeclaration, SelectBooleanCheckboxTagDeclaration, SelectBooleanToggleTagDeclaration, SelectManyCheckboxTagDeclaration, SelectManyListboxTagDeclaration, SelectManyListTagDeclaration, SelectManyShuttleTagDeclaration, SelectOneChoiceTagDeclaration, SelectOneListboxTagDeclaration, SelectOneListTagDeclaration, SelectOneRadioTagDeclaration, StarsTagDeclaration, TextareaTagDeclaration

public interface HasDecorationPosition
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    setHelpPosition(String helpPosition)
    Defines the position and the appearance of a help message on a component.
    setMessagePosition(String messagePosition)
    Defines the position and the appearance of additional faces messages (like error message or help message) on a component.
  • Methodendetails

    • setMessagePosition

      void setMessagePosition(String messagePosition)
      Defines the position and the appearance of additional faces messages (like error message or help message) on a component. The default is popoverRight.
    • setHelpPosition

      void setHelpPosition(String helpPosition)
      Defines the position and the appearance of a help message on a component. The default is popoverRight.