Class UITree

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder, jakarta.faces.component.NamingContainer, jakarta.faces.component.PartialStateHolder, jakarta.faces.component.StateHolder, jakarta.faces.component.TransientStateHolder, jakarta.faces.component.UniqueIdVendor, jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener, jakarta.faces.event.FacesListener, jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListenerHolder, EventListener, Visual

    public class UITree
    extends AbstractUITree
    implements jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder
    A tree with classical look. Usually used with icons and junction lines to open folder, etc. UIComponent class, generated from template component.stg with class TreeTagDeclaration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UITree

        public UITree()
    • Method Detail

      • getFamily

        public String getFamily()
        getFamily in class jakarta.faces.component.UIData
      • isShowRoot

        public boolean isShowRoot()
        Only applicable in the case that the data model is a tree. This flag indicates that the root node should be displayed. Often in tree structures the root node is special and should not be displayed.
        Default: false
        Specified by:
        isShowRoot in class AbstractUIData
      • setShowRoot

        public void setShowRoot​(boolean showRoot)
      • isShowRootJunction

        public boolean isShowRootJunction()
        Only applicable in the case that the data model is a tree. This flag indicates that the root node should be displayed with an open-close-switch.
        Default: false
        isShowRootJunction in class AbstractUIData
      • setShowRootJunction

        public void setShowRootJunction​(boolean showRootJunction)
      • getSelectable

        public Selectable getSelectable()
        Flag indicating whether or not this component should be render selectable items. Possible values are:
        • none : not selectable
        • multi : a multi section tree is rendered
        • single : a single section tree is rendered
        • multiLeafOnly : a multi section tree is rendered, only leaf's are selectable
        • singleLeafOnly : a single section tree is rendered, only leaf's are selectable

        Default: multi
        Allowed Values: none,multi,single,multiLeafOnly,singleLeafOnly
        Specified by:
        getSelectable in class AbstractUIData
      • setSelectable

        public void setSelectable​(Selectable selectable)
      • getCustomClass

        public CustomClass getCustomClass()
        Sets a CSS class in its parent, if the parent supports it. Which this feature it is possible to put a CSS class name into a component with the <tc:style> tag. Example:
             <tc:style customClass="my-emphasized"/>
        One capability is, to used external CSS libs.
        This feature should not be used imprudent. Because it might be unstable against changes in the renderered HTML code.
        Specified by:
        getCustomClass in interface Visual
      • restoreState

        public void restoreState​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                 Object state)
        Specified by:
        restoreState in interface jakarta.faces.component.StateHolder
        restoreState in class AbstractUITree