Interface ProcessContext

All Superinterfaces:
ClusterContext, PropertyContext

public interface ProcessContext extends PropertyContext, ClusterContext

Provides a bridge between a Processor and the NiFi Framework

Note: Implementations of this interface are NOT necessarily thread-safe.

  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      PropertyValue getProperty(String propertyName)
      Retrieves the current value set for the given descriptor, if a value is set - else uses the descriptor to determine the appropriate default value
      propertyName - of the property to lookup the value for
      property value as retrieved by property name
    • newPropertyValue

      PropertyValue newPropertyValue(String rawValue)
      Creates and returns a PropertyValue object that can be used for evaluating the value of the given String
      rawValue - the raw input before any property evaluation has occurred
      a PropertyValue object that can be used for evaluating the value of the given String
    • yield

      void yield()

      Causes the Processor not to be scheduled for some pre-configured amount of time. The duration of time for which the processor will not be scheduled is configured in the same manner as the processor's scheduling period.

      Note: This is NOT a blocking call and does not suspend execution of the current thread.

    • getMaxConcurrentTasks

      int getMaxConcurrentTasks()
      the maximum number of threads that may be executing this processor's code at any given time
    • getExecutionNode

      ExecutionNode getExecutionNode()
      the Nodes where this processor will be scheduled to run.
    • getAnnotationData

      String getAnnotationData()
      the annotation data configured for this processor
    • getProperties

      Map<PropertyDescriptor,String> getProperties()
      a Map of all PropertyDescriptors to their configured values. This Map may or may not be modifiable, but modifying its values will not change the values of the processor's properties
    • getControllerServiceLookup

      ControllerServiceLookup getControllerServiceLookup()
      a ControllerServiceLookup that can be used to obtain a Controller Service
    • getAvailableRelationships

      Set<Relationship> getAvailableRelationships()
      the set of all relationships for which space is available to receive new objects
    • isAutoTerminated

      boolean isAutoTerminated(Relationship relationship)
      Indicates whether or not the given relationship is configured to be auto-terminated
      relationship - the relationship
      true if the given relationship is auto-terminated, false otherwise
    • hasIncomingConnection

      boolean hasIncomingConnection()
      true if the processor has one or more incoming connections, false otherwise
    • hasNonLoopConnection

      boolean hasNonLoopConnection()
      true if the processor has one or more incoming connections for which the source of the connection is NOT the processor; returns false if the processor has no incoming connections or if all incoming connections are self-loops (i.e., the processor is also the source of all incoming connections).
    • hasConnection

      boolean hasConnection(Relationship relationship)
      relationship - a relationship to check for connections
      true if the relationship has one or more outbound connections, false otherwise
    • isExpressionLanguagePresent

      boolean isExpressionLanguagePresent(PropertyDescriptor property)
      property - the Property whose value should be inspected to determined if it contains an Expression Language Expression
      true if the value of the given Property contains a NiFi Expression Language Expression, false if it does not. Note that false will be returned if the Property Descriptor does not allow the Expression Language, even if a seemingly valid Expression is present in the value.
    • getStateManager

      StateManager getStateManager()
      the StateManager that can be used to store and retrieve state for this component
    • getName

      String getName()
      the configured name of this processor
    • isRelationshipRetried

      boolean isRelationshipRetried(Relationship relationship)
      the configured relationships to be retried of this processor
    • getRetryCount

      int getRetryCount()
      the max number of times that the Processor will retry a FlowFile that is routed to a Relationship that is marked for Retry