Class AuthenticationResponse


public class AuthenticationResponse extends Object
Authentication response for a user login attempt.
  • Field Details

    • identity

      private final String identity
    • username

      private final String username
    • expiration

      private final long expiration
    • issuer

      private final String issuer
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthenticationResponse

      public AuthenticationResponse(String identity, String username, long expiration, String issuer)
      Creates an authentication response. The username and how long the authentication is valid in milliseconds
      identity - The user identity
      username - The username
      expiration - The expiration in milliseconds
      issuer - The issuer of the token
  • Method Details

    • getIdentity

      public String getIdentity()
    • getUsername

      public String getUsername()
    • getIssuer

      public String getIssuer()
    • getExpiration

      public long getExpiration()
      Returns the expiration of a given authentication in milliseconds.
      The expiration in milliseconds