Interface LoadBalancedFlowFileQueue

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LoadBalancedFlowFileQueue extends FlowFileQueue
  • Method Details

    • receiveFromPeer

      void receiveFromPeer(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles) throws IllegalClusterStateException
      Adds the given FlowFiles to this queue, as they have been received from another node in the cluster
      flowFiles - the FlowFiles received from the peer
      IllegalClusterStateException - if the node is not currently in a state in which it can receive data from other nodes
    • distributeToPartitions

      void distributeToPartitions(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles)
      Distributes the given FlowFiles to the appropriate partitions. Unlike the FlowFileQueue.putAll(Collection) method, this does not alter the size of the FlowFile Queue itself, as it is intended only to place the FlowFiles into their appropriate partitions
      flowFiles - the FlowFiles to distribute
    • onTransfer

      void onTransfer(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles)
      Notifies the queue that the given FlowFiles have been successfully transferred to another node
      flowFiles - the FlowFiles that were transferred
    • onAbort

      void onAbort(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles)
      Notifies the queue the a transaction containing the given FlowFiles was aborted
      flowFiles - the FlowFiles in the transaction
    • handleExpiredRecords

      void handleExpiredRecords(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles)
      Handles updating the repositories for the given FlowFiles, which have been expired
      flowFiles - the expired FlowFiles
    • isPropagateBackpressureAcrossNodes

      boolean isPropagateBackpressureAcrossNodes()
      There are times when we want to ensure that if a node in the cluster reaches the point where backpressure is engaged, that we honor that backpressure and do not attempt to load balance from a different node in the cluster to that node. There are other times when we may want to push data to the remote node even though it has already reached its backpressure threshold. This method indicates whether or not we want to propagate that backpressure indicator across the cluster.
      true if backpressure on Node A should prevent Node B from sending to it, false if Node B should send to Node A even when backpressure is engaged on Node A.
    • isLocalPartitionFull

      boolean isLocalPartitionFull()
      Determines whether or not the local partition's size >= backpressure threshold
      true if the number of FlowFiles or total size of FlowFiles in the local partition alone meets or exceeds the backpressure threshold, false otherwise.