Class StreamDemarcator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class StreamDemarcator extends AbstractDemarcator
The StreamDemarcator class takes an input stream and demarcates it so it could be read (see nextToken()) as individual byte[] demarcated by the provided delimiter (see 'delimiterBytes'). If delimiter is not provided the entire stream will be read into a single token which may result in OutOfMemoryError if stream is too large. The 'maxDataSize' controls the maximum size of the buffer that accumulates a token.

NOTE: Not intended for multi-thread usage hence not Thread-safe.

  • Field Details

    • delimiterBytes

      private final byte[] delimiterBytes
  • Constructor Details

    • StreamDemarcator

      public StreamDemarcator(InputStream is, byte[] delimiterBytes, int maxDataSize)
      Constructs a new instance
      is - instance of InputStream representing the data
      delimiterBytes - byte array representing delimiter bytes used to split the input stream. Can be 'null'. NOTE: the 'null' is allowed only for convenience and consistency since without delimiter this class is no different then BufferedReader which reads the entire stream into a byte array and there may be a more efficient ways to do that (if that is the case).
      maxDataSize - maximum size of data derived from the input stream. This means that neither InputStream nor its individual tokens (if delimiter is used) can ever be greater then this size.
    • StreamDemarcator

      public StreamDemarcator(InputStream is, byte[] delimiterBytes, int maxDataSize, int initialBufferSize)
      Constructs a new instance
      is - instance of InputStream representing the data
      delimiterBytes - byte array representing delimiter bytes used to split the input stream. Can be 'null'. NOTE: the 'null' is allowed only for convenience and consistency since without delimiter this class is no different then BufferedReader which reads the entire stream into a byte array and there may be a more efficient ways to do that (if that is the case).
      maxDataSize - maximum size of data derived from the input stream. This means that neither InputStream nor its individual tokens (if delimiter is used) can ever be greater then this size.
      initialBufferSize - initial size of the buffer used to buffer InputStream or its parts (if delimiter is used) to create its byte[] representation. Must be positive integer. The buffer will grow automatically as needed up to the Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  • Method Details

    • nextToken

      public byte[] nextToken() throws IOException
      Will read the next data token from the InputStream returning null when it reaches the end of the stream.
      IOException - if unable to read from the stream
    • validate

      private void validate(byte[] delimiterBytes)
      Validates prerequisites for constructor arguments