Class FormatUtils


public class FormatUtils extends Object
  • Field Details

    • UNION

      private static final String UNION
      See Also:

      private static final double BYTES_IN_KILOBYTE
      See Also:

      private static final double BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE
      See Also:

      private static final double BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE
      See Also:

      private static final double BYTES_IN_TERABYTE
      See Also:
    • NANOS

      private static final String NANOS
    • MILLIS

      private static final String MILLIS
    • SECS

      private static final String SECS
    • MINS

      private static final String MINS
    • HOURS

      private static final String HOURS
    • DAYS

      private static final String DAYS
    • WEEKS

      private static final String WEEKS

      private static final String VALID_TIME_UNITS

      public static final String TIME_DURATION_REGEX

      public static final Pattern TIME_DURATION_PATTERN

      private static final List<Long> TIME_UNIT_MULTIPLIERS

      private static final LocalDate EPOCH_INITIAL_DATE
  • Constructor Details

    • FormatUtils

      public FormatUtils()
  • Method Details

    • formatCount

      public static String formatCount(long count)
      Formats the specified count by adding commas.
      count - the value to add commas to
      the string representation of the given value with commas included
    • formatMinutesSeconds

      public static String formatMinutesSeconds(long sourceDuration, TimeUnit sourceUnit)
      Formats the specified duration in 'mm:ss.SSS' format.
      sourceDuration - the duration to format
      sourceUnit - the unit to interpret the duration
      representation of the given time data in minutes/seconds
    • formatHoursMinutesSeconds

      public static String formatHoursMinutesSeconds(long sourceDuration, TimeUnit sourceUnit)
      Formats the specified duration in 'HH:mm:ss.SSS' format.
      sourceDuration - the duration to format
      sourceUnit - the unit to interpret the duration
      representation of the given time data in hours/minutes/seconds
    • pad2Places

      private static String pad2Places(long val)
    • pad3Places

      private static String pad3Places(long val)
    • formatDataSize

      public static String formatDataSize(double dataSize)
      Formats the specified data size in human readable format.
      dataSize - Data size in bytes
      Human readable format
    • getTimeDuration

      public static long getTimeDuration(String value, TimeUnit desiredUnit)
      Returns a time duration in the requested TimeUnit after parsing the String input. If the resulting value is a decimal (i.e. 25 hours -> TimeUnit.DAYS = 1.04), the value is rounded. Use getPreciseTimeDuration(String, TimeUnit) if fractional values are desirable
      value - the raw String input (i.e. "28 minutes")
      desiredUnit - the requested output TimeUnit
      the whole number value of this duration in the requested units
      See Also:
    • getPreciseTimeDuration

      public static double getPreciseTimeDuration(String value, TimeUnit desiredUnit)
      Returns the parsed and converted input in the requested units.

      If the value is 0 <= x < 1 in the provided units, the units will first be converted to a smaller unit to get a value >= 1 (i.e. 0.5 seconds -> 500 milliseconds). This is because the underlying unit conversion cannot handle decimal values.

      If the value is x >= 1 but x is not a whole number, the units will first be converted to a smaller unit to attempt to get a whole number value (i.e. 1.5 seconds -> 1500 milliseconds).

      If the value is x < 1000 and the units are TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, the result will be a whole number of nanoseconds, rounded (i.e. 123.4 ns -> 123 ns).

      This method handles decimal values over 1 ns, but < 1 ns will return 0 in any other unit.


      "10 seconds", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS -> 10_000.0 "0.010 s", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS -> 10.0 "0.010 s", TimeUnit.SECONDS -> 0.010 "0.010 ns", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS -> 1 "0.010 ns", TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS -> 0

      value - the String input
      desiredUnit - the desired output TimeUnit
      the parsed and converted amount (without a unit)
    • makeWholeNumberTime

      protected static List<Object> makeWholeNumberTime(double decimal, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Converts the provided time duration value to one that can be represented as a whole number. Returns a List containing the new value as a long at index 0 and the TimeUnit at index 1. If the incoming value is already whole, it is returned as is. If the incoming value cannot be made whole, a whole approximation is returned. For values >= 1 TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, the value is rounded (i.e. 123.4 ns -> 123 ns). For values < 1 TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, the constant [1L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS] is returned as the smallest measurable unit of time.


      1, TimeUnit.SECONDS -> [1, TimeUnit.SECONDS] 1.1, TimeUnit.SECONDS -> [1100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS] 0.1, TimeUnit.SECONDS -> [100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS] 0.1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS -> [1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS]

      decimal - the time duration as a decimal
      timeUnit - the current time unit
      the time duration as a whole number (long) and the smaller time unit used
    • calculateMultiplier

      protected static long calculateMultiplier(TimeUnit originalTimeUnit, TimeUnit newTimeUnit)
      Returns the numerical multiplier to convert a value from originalTimeUnit to newTimeUnit (i.e. for TimeUnit.DAYS -> TimeUnit.MINUTES would return 24 * 60 = 1440). If the original and new units are the same, returns 1. If the new unit is larger than the original (i.e. the result would be less than 1), throws an IllegalArgumentException.
      originalTimeUnit - the source time unit
      newTimeUnit - the destination time unit
      the numerical multiplier between the units
    • getSmallerTimeUnit

      protected static TimeUnit getSmallerTimeUnit(TimeUnit originalUnit)
      Returns the next smallest TimeUnit (i.e. TimeUnit.DAYS -> TimeUnit.HOURS). If the parameter is null or TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown because there is no valid smaller TimeUnit.
      originalUnit - the TimeUnit
      the next smaller TimeUnit
    • isWeek

      protected static boolean isWeek(String rawUnit)
      Returns true if this raw unit String is parsed as representing "weeks", which does not have a value in the TimeUnit enum.
      rawUnit - the String containing the desired unit
      true if the unit is "weeks"; false otherwise
    • determineTimeUnit

      protected static TimeUnit determineTimeUnit(String rawUnit)
      Returns the TimeUnit enum that maps to the provided raw String input. The highest time unit is TimeUnit.DAYS. Any input that cannot be parsed will result in an IllegalArgumentException.
      rawUnit - the String to parse
      the TimeUnit
    • formatUtilization

      public static String formatUtilization(double utilization)
    • join

      private static String join(String delimiter, String... values)
    • formatNanos

      public static String formatNanos(long nanos, boolean includeTotalNanos)
      Formats nanoseconds in the format: 3 seconds, 8 millis, 3 nanos - if includeTotalNanos = false, 3 seconds, 8 millis, 3 nanos (3008000003 nanos) - if includeTotalNanos = true
      nanos - the number of nanoseconds to format
      includeTotalNanos - whether or not to include the total number of nanoseconds in parentheses in the returned value
      a human-readable String that is a formatted representation of the given number of nanoseconds.
    • prepareLenientCaseInsensitiveDateTimeFormatter

      public static DateTimeFormatter prepareLenientCaseInsensitiveDateTimeFormatter(String pattern)
    • parseToInstant

      public static Instant parseToInstant(DateTimeFormatter formatter, String text)
      Parse text to Instant - support different formats like: zoned date time, date time, date, time (similar to those supported in SimpleDateFormat)
      formatter - configured formatter
      text - text which will be parsed
      parsed Instant
    • toInstantInSystemDefaultTimeZone

      private static Instant toInstantInSystemDefaultTimeZone(LocalDateTime dateTime)