odata-commons-api 5.0.0-ALPHA-01 API

OData Commons
Contains all OData commons classes which are not more specific (e.g.
Contains all the data objects of OData responses and OData requests
Contains representations for EDM objects created during the URI parsing
Contains representations for all annotation related EDM objects created during the URI parsing
Contains representations for constants related to EDM objects.
Contains representations for all geographical related EDM objects created during the URI parsing
Contains representations for objects created during CSDL document parsing
Contains representations for objects created during CSDL document parsing related to the CSDL annotations.
Olingo Server API - Edmx
Contains all OData errors and exception-related classes.
Contains all the format-related objects used for the handling of OData responses and OData requests.
Contains all the HTTP related objects which are used for handling of OData responses and OData requests.