Package org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.annotation

package org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.annotation
Contains representations for all annotation related EDM objects created during the URI parsing
  • Class
    Represents a logical and annotation
    Represents an annotation path
    Represents an Edm:Apply expression
    Represents an edm:Cast expression.
    The edm:Collection expression enables a value to be obtained from zero or more child expressions.
    Represents a constant expression
    Represents a dynamic expression
    Represents a edm:Eq expression
    Super type of all annotation expressions A expression is either constant or dynamic
    Represents a edm:Ge expression
    Represents a edm:Gt expression
    Represents a edm:If expression
    The edm:IsOf expression evaluates a child expression and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the child expression returns the specified type
    The edm:LabeledElement expression assigns a name to a child expression.
    The edm:LabeledElementReference expression returns the value of an edm:LabeledElement (see EdmLabeledElement) expression.
    Represents a edm:Le expression
    Represents a generic expression with two child exprssions
    Represents a edm:Lt expression
    The edm:NavigationPropertyPath expression provides a value for terms or term properties that specify the built-in abstract type Edm.NavigationPropertyPath
    Represents a edm:Ne expression
    Represents a logical edm:Le expression
    The edm:Null expression returns an untyped null value.
    Represents a logical edm:And expression
    The edm:Path expression enables a value to be obtained by traversing an object graph.
    The edm:PropertyPath expression provides a value for terms or term properties that specify the built-in abstract type Edm.PropertyPath.
    The edm:PropertyValue element supplies a value to a property on the type instantiated by an edm:Record expression (See EdmRecord).
    The edm:Record expression enables a new entity type or complex type instance to be constructed.
    The edm:UrlRef expression enables a value to be obtained by sending a GET request to the value of the UrlRef expression.