Interface BeanArchiveService

  • public interface BeanArchiveService
    This Service returns information about scanned beans.xml files. The information needs to be available until release() gets invoked. This is usually at the end of the deployment phase. This SPI uses URLs as parameters because many virtual file systems do not store their resources on a file system and also are not able to move from the externalForm back to the original URL.
    • Method Detail

      • getRegisteredBeanArchives

        Set<URL> getRegisteredBeanArchives()
        This method is useful to later on know which JARs and ClassPath entries did get scanned. Please note that we use a special UrlSet internally which only holds the externalForm as key and thus does no DNS resolving via the URL.
        a Set of all registered Bean Archives.
      • release

        void release()
        Release the gathered information to free up memory. This should get called at the end of the deployment phase.