Interface ContextsService

  • public interface ContextsService
    Contexts services provides demarcation methods for each context that is defined in the specification. SPI providers implement related method that it supports.

    For example, web container supports request, session conversation, application, singleton and dependent contexts.

    $Rev$ $Date$
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void destroy​(Object destroyObject)
      Destroys container contexts service.
      void endContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType, Object endParameters)
      Ends the context with the given scope type.
      jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context getCurrentContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType)
      Gets current context with given scope type with respect to the current thread of execution.
      jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context getCurrentContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType, boolean createIfNotExists)
      Gets current context with given scope type with respect to the current thread of execution.
      void init​(Object initializeObject)
      Initialize container contexts service.
      void removeThreadLocals()
      Whenever a thread ends we need to remove any ThreadLocals from the ContextsService
      void setSupportConversations​(boolean supportConversations)
      This method can be used to disable conversation support in core CDI.
      void startContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType, Object startParameter)
      Starts the context with the given scope type.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(Object initializeObject)
        Initialize container contexts service.
        initializeObject - any initialize object
      • destroy

        void destroy​(Object destroyObject)
        Destroys container contexts service.
        destroyObject - any destroy parameter
      • getCurrentContext

        jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context getCurrentContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType)
        Gets current context with given scope type with respect to the current thread of execution.

        If there is not current context, it returns null.

        scopeType - context scope type
        current context with given scope type
      • getCurrentContext

        jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context getCurrentContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType,
                                                                 boolean createIfNotExists)
        Gets current context with given scope type with respect to the current thread of execution.

        If there is not current context, it will try to create one if createIfNotExists is set. This is mostly usefull for the SessionContext. If there is no HttpSession yet and the createIfNotExists is set to false then we do not create the HttpSession.

        scopeType - context scope type
        createIfNotExists - whether to create a new context if the underlying storage is not yet initialized
        current context with given scope type
      • startContext

        void startContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType,
                          Object startParameter)
                   throws jakarta.enterprise.context.ContextException
        Starts the context with the given scope type. If given scope type is not supported, there is no action.
        scopeType - scope type
        startParameter - any parameter
        jakarta.enterprise.context.ContextException - if any exception thrown by starting context, it is wrapped inside ContextException and thrown.
      • endContext

        void endContext​(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType,
                        Object endParameters)
        Ends the context with the given scope type. If given scope type is not supported, there is no action. Any exception thrown by the operation is catched and logged by the container.
        scopeType - scope type
        endParameters - any end parameter
      • removeThreadLocals

        void removeThreadLocals()
        Whenever a thread ends we need to remove any ThreadLocals from the ContextsService
      • setSupportConversations

        void setSupportConversations​(boolean supportConversations)
        This method can be used to disable conversation support in core CDI. This is needed as the spec defines that a user can define it's own Conversation handling by providing a Filter with the name "CDI Conversation Filter".
        supportConversations - whether converstaions should be supported