Interface DecryptionKeyRetriever

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DecryptionKeyRetriever
    Interface for classes retrieving encryption keys using the key metadata. Implementations must be thread-safe, if same KeyRetriever object is passed to multiple file readers.
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        byte[] getKey​(byte[] keyMetaData)
               throws KeyAccessDeniedException,
        Returns encryption key using the key metadata. If your key retrieval code throws runtime exceptions related to access control (permission) problems (such as Hadoop AccessControlException), catch them and throw the KeyAccessDeniedException.
        keyMetaData - arbitrary byte array with encryption key metadata
        encryption key. Key length can be either 16, 24 or 32 bytes.
        KeyAccessDeniedException - thrown upon access control problems (authentication or authorization)
        ParquetCryptoRuntimeException - thrown upon key retrieval problems unrelated to access control