Interface KmsClient

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration,
                        String kmsInstanceID,
                        String kmsInstanceURL,
                        String accessToken)
                 throws KeyAccessDeniedException
        Pass configuration with KMS-specific parameters.
        configuration - Hadoop configuration
        kmsInstanceID - ID of the KMS instance handled by this KmsClient. Use the default value, for KMS systems that don't work with multiple instances.
        kmsInstanceURL - URL of the KMS instance handled by this KmsClient. Use the default value, for KMS systems that don't work with URLs.
        accessToken - KMS access (authorization) token. Use the default value, for KMS systems that don't work with tokens.
        KeyAccessDeniedException - unauthorized to initialize the KMS client
      • wrapKey

        String wrapKey​(byte[] keyBytes,
                       String masterKeyIdentifier)
                throws KeyAccessDeniedException
        Wraps a key - encrypts it with the master key, encodes the result and potentially adds a KMS-specific metadata. If your KMS client code throws runtime exceptions related to access/permission problems (such as Hadoop AccessControlException), catch them and throw the KeyAccessDeniedException.
        keyBytes - : key bytes to be wrapped
        masterKeyIdentifier - : a string that uniquely identifies the master key in a KMS instance
        wrapped key
        KeyAccessDeniedException - unauthorized to encrypt with the given master key
      • unwrapKey

        byte[] unwrapKey​(String wrappedKey,
                         String masterKeyIdentifier)
                  throws KeyAccessDeniedException
        Decrypts (unwraps) a key with the master key. If your KMS client code throws runtime exceptions related to access/permission problems (such as Hadoop AccessControlException), catch them and throw the KeyAccessDeniedException.
        wrappedKey - String produced by wrapKey operation
        masterKeyIdentifier - : a string that uniquely identifies the master key in a KMS instance
        unwrapped key bytes
        KeyAccessDeniedException - unauthorized to unwrap with the given master key