Class GlobalMetaData

    • Constructor Detail

      • GlobalMetaData

        public GlobalMetaData​(MessageType schema,
                              Map<String,​Set<String>> keyValueMetaData,
                              Set<String> createdBy)
        schema - the union of the schemas for all the files
        keyValueMetaData - the merged app specific metadata
        createdBy - the description of the library that created the file
        NullPointerException - if schema or keyValueMetaData is null
    • Method Detail

      • getSchema

        public MessageType getSchema()
        the schema for the file
      • getKeyValueMetaData

        public Map<String,​Set<String>> getKeyValueMetaData()
        meta data for extensions
      • getCreatedBy

        public Set<String> getCreatedBy()
        the description of the library that created the file
      • merge

        public FileMetaData merge()
        Will merge the metadata as if it was coming from a single file. (for all part files written together this will always work) If there are conflicting values an exception will be thrown Provided for backward compatibility
        the merged version of this
      • merge

        public FileMetaData merge​(KeyValueMetadataMergeStrategy keyValueMetadataMergeStrategy)
        Will merge the metadata as if it was coming from a single file. (for all part files written together this will always work) If there are conflicting values an exception will be thrown
        the merged version of this