Interface PlcTag

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface PlcTag
    Base type for all tag types. Typically, every driver provides an implementation of this interface in order to be able to describe the tags of a resource. As this is completely tied to the implemented protocol, this base interface makes absolutely no assumption to any information it should provide. In order to stay platform and protocol independent every driver connection implementation provides a parseTagAddress(String) method that is able to parse a string representation of a resource into it's individual tag type. Manually constructing PlcTag objects manually makes the solution less independent of the protocol, but might be faster.
    • Method Detail

      • getAddressString

        String getAddressString()
        Returns the address string, that this tag would be parsed from.
        Address string representing this Tag
      • getPlcValueType

        default PlcValueType getPlcValueType()
        Returns the "datatype" of the response one can expect from this tag. I.e. The mapping between this string and the PlcValue datatype is handled in the ValueHandler class. The contract is to return a String description of the datatype. This doesn't necessarily define the PlcValue type but should be related. i.e. returns "BOOL" -> PlcBOOL, returns "INT16" -> PlcINT returning an empty string results in the default handler for that datatype to be evaluated.
        The data type is generally parsed to the PlcTag class, if not a default datatype is returned.
      • getArrayInfo

        default List<ArrayInfo> getArrayInfo()
        Returns the number of elements to expect of the response one can expect from this field.
        The number of elements to expect.