Package org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel

Interface Summary
IndexedColorMap Interface for color index to RGB mappings.

Class Summary
BaseXSSFEvaluationWorkbook Internal POI use only - parent of XSSF and SXSSF evaluation workbooks
BaseXSSFFormulaEvaluator Internal POI use only - parent of XSSF and SXSSF formula evaluators
CustomIndexedColorMap custom index color map, i.e.
DefaultIndexedColorMap Uses the legacy colors defined in HSSF for index lookups
XSSFAnchor An anchor is what specifics the position of a shape within a client object or within another containing shape.
XSSFAutoFilter Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
XSSFBorderFormatting XSSF high level representation for Border Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
XSSFBuiltinTableStyle.XSSFBuiltinTypeStyleStyle implementation for built-in styles
XSSFCell High level representation of a cell in a row of a spreadsheet.
XSSFCellStyle High level representation of the the possible formatting information for the contents of the cells on a sheet in a SpreadsheetML document.
XSSFChart Represents a SpreadsheetML Chart
XSSFChartSheet High level representation of Sheet Parts that are of type 'chartsheet'.
XSSFClientAnchor A client anchor is attached to an excel worksheet.
XSSFColor Represents a color in SpreadsheetML
XSSFColorScaleFormatting High level representation for Color Scale / Color Gradient Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
XSSFConditionalFormattingRule XSSF support for Conditional Formatting rules
XSSFConditionalFormattingThreshold High level representation for Icon / Multi-State / Databar / Colour Scale change thresholds
XSSFConnector A connection shape drawing element.
XSSFDataBarFormatting High level representation for DataBar / Data Bar Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
XSSFDataFormat Handles data formats for XSSF.
XSSFDrawing Represents a SpreadsheetML drawing
XSSFDxfStyleProvider Style based on a dxf record - e.g.
XSSFEvaluationWorkbook Internal POI use only
XSSFEvenFooter Even page footer value.
XSSFEvenHeader Even page header value.
XSSFFactory Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type
XSSFFirstFooter First page footer content.
XSSFFirstHeader First page header content.
XSSFFont Represents a font used in a workbook.
XSSFFormulaEvaluator Evaluates formula cells.
XSSFGraphicFrame Represents DrawingML GraphicalObjectFrame.
XSSFHyperlink XSSF Implementation of a Hyperlink.
XSSFIconMultiStateFormatting High level representation for Icon / Multi-State Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
XSSFMap This class implements the Map element (Open Office XML Part 4: chapter 3.16.2)
XSSFName Represents a defined named range in a SpreadsheetML workbook.
XSSFObjectData Represents binary object (i.e.
XSSFOddFooter Odd page footer value.
XSSFOddHeader Odd page header value.
XSSFPicture Represents a picture shape in a SpreadsheetML drawing.
XSSFPictureData Raw picture data, normally attached to a SpreadsheetML Drawing.
XSSFPrintSetup Page setup and page margins settings for the worksheet.
XSSFRelation Defines namespaces, content types and normal file names / naming patterns, for the well-known XSSF format parts.
XSSFRichTextString Rich text unicode string.
XSSFRow High level representation of a row of a spreadsheet.
XSSFShape Represents a shape in a SpreadsheetML drawing.
XSSFShapeGroup This object specifies a group shape that represents many shapes grouped together.
XSSFSheet High level representation of a SpreadsheetML worksheet.
XSSFSheetConditionalFormatting XSSF Conditional Formattings
XSSFSimpleShape Represents a shape with a predefined geometry in a SpreadsheetML drawing.
XSSFTable This class implements the Table Part (Open Office XML Part 4: chapter 3.5.1) This implementation works under the assumption that a table contains mappings to a subtree of an XML.
XSSFTableStyle TableStyle implementation for styles defined in the OOXML styles.xml.
XSSFTableStyleInfo Wrapper for the CT class, to cache values and add style lookup
XSSFTextBox Represents a text box in a SpreadsheetML drawing.
XSSFTextParagraph Represents a paragraph of text within the containing text body.
XSSFTextRun Represents a run of text within the containing text body.
XSSFVMLDrawing Represents a SpreadsheetML VML drawing.
XSSFWorkbook High level representation of a SpreadsheetML workbook.

Enum Summary
ListAutoNumber Specifies type of automatic numbered bullet points that should be applied to a paragraph.
TextAlign Specified a list of text alignment types
TextAutofit Specifies a list of auto-fit types.
TextCap Text Capitalization that is to be applied to the text run.
TextDirection Vertical Text Types
TextFontAlign Specified a list of text font alignment types
TextHorizontalOverflow Text Horizontal Overflow
TextVerticalOverflow Text Vertical Overflow
XSSFBuiltinTableStyle Table style names defined in the OOXML spec.
XSSFWorkbookType Represents the two different kinds of XML-based OOXML document.