Class XSSFTextRun

  • public class XSSFTextRun
    extends Object
    Represents a run of text within the containing text body. The run element is the lowest level text separation mechanism within a text body.
    • Method Detail

      • getText

        public String getText()
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
      • getXmlObject

        public org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTRegularTextRun getXmlObject()
      • setFontColor

        public void setFontColor​(Color color)
      • getFontColor

        public Color getFontColor()
      • setFontSize

        public void setFontSize​(double fontSize)
        fontSize - font size in points. The value of -1 unsets the Sz attribute from the underlying xml bean
      • getFontSize

        public double getFontSize()
        font size in points or -1 if font size is not set.
      • getCharacterSpacing

        public double getCharacterSpacing()
        the spacing between characters within a text run, If this attribute is omitted then a value of 0 or no adjustment is assumed.
      • setCharacterSpacing

        public void setCharacterSpacing​(double spc)
        Set the spacing between characters within a text run.

        The spacing is specified in points. Positive values will cause the text to expand, negative values to condense.

        spc - character spacing in points.
      • setFont

        public void setFont​(String typeface)
        Specifies the typeface, or name of the font that is to be used for this text run.
        typeface - the font to apply to this text run. The value of null unsets the Typeface attribute from the underlying xml.
      • setFontFamily

        public void setFontFamily​(String typeface,
                                  byte charset,
                                  byte pictAndFamily,
                                  boolean isSymbol)
      • getFontFamily

        public String getFontFamily()
        font family or null if not set
      • getPitchAndFamily

        public byte getPitchAndFamily()
      • setStrikethrough

        public void setStrikethrough​(boolean strike)
        Specifies whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text.
        strike - whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text.
      • isStrikethrough

        public boolean isStrikethrough()
        whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text. Default is false.
      • isSuperscript

        public boolean isSuperscript()
        whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
      • setBaselineOffset

        public void setBaselineOffset​(double baselineOffset)
        Set the baseline for both the superscript and subscript fonts.

        The size is specified using a percentage. Positive values indicate superscript, negative values indicate subscript.

      • setSuperscript

        public void setSuperscript​(boolean flag)
        Set whether the text in this run is formatted as superscript. Default base line offset is 30%
        See Also:
      • setSubscript

        public void setSubscript​(boolean flag)
        Set whether the text in this run is formatted as subscript. Default base line offset is -25%.
        See Also:
      • isSubscript

        public boolean isSubscript()
        whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
      • getTextCap

        public TextCap getTextCap()
        whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
      • setBold

        public void setBold​(boolean bold)
        Specifies whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text
        bold - whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text
      • isBold

        public boolean isBold()
        whether this run of text is formatted as bold text
      • setItalic

        public void setItalic​(boolean italic)
        italic - whether this run of text is formatted as italic text
      • isItalic

        public boolean isItalic()
        whether this run of text is formatted as italic text
      • setUnderline

        public void setUnderline​(boolean underline)
        underline - whether this run of text is formatted as underlined text
      • isUnderline

        public boolean isUnderline()
        whether this run of text is formatted as underlined text
      • getRPr

        protected org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextCharacterProperties getRPr()