Class HemfFill.EmfAlphaBlend

    • Field Detail

      • bounds

        protected final Rectangle2D bounds
        the destination bounding rectangle in device units
      • destRect

        protected final Rectangle2D destRect
        the destination rectangle
      • srcRect

        protected final Rectangle2D srcRect
        the source rectangle
      • blendOperation

        protected byte blendOperation
        The blend operation code. The only source and destination blend operation that has been defined is 0x00, which specifies that the source bitmap MUST be combined with the destination bitmap based on the alpha transparency values of the source pixels.
      • blendFlags

        protected byte blendFlags
        This value MUST be 0x00 and MUST be ignored.
      • srcConstantAlpha

        protected int srcConstantAlpha
        An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies alpha transparency, which determines the blend of the source and destination bitmaps. This value MUST be used on the entire source bitmap. The minimum alpha transparency value, zero, corresponds to completely transparent; the maximum value, 0xFF, corresponds to completely opaque. In effect, a value of 0xFF specifies that the per-pixel alpha values determine the blend of the source and destination bitmaps.
      • alphaFormat

        protected byte alphaFormat
        A byte that specifies how source and destination pixels are interpreted with respect to alpha transparency. 0x00: The pixels in the source bitmap do not specify alpha transparency. In this case, the SrcConstantAlpha value determines the blend of the source and destination bitmaps. Note that in the following equations SrcConstantAlpha is divided by 255, which produces a value in the range 0 to 1. 0x01: "AC_SRC_ALPHA" Indicates that the source bitmap is 32 bits-per-pixel and specifies an alpha transparency value for each pixel.
      • xFormSrc

        protected final AffineTransform xFormSrc
        a world-space to page-space transform to apply to the source bitmap.
      • bkColorSrc

        protected final HwmfColorRef bkColorSrc
        the background color of the source bitmap.
      • usageSrc

        protected HwmfFill.ColorUsage usageSrc
        A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmfAlphaBlend

        public EmfAlphaBlend()