Class HMEFMessage

  • public final class HMEFMessage
    extends Object
    HMEF - Implementation of the Microsoft TNEF message encoding format (aka winmail.dat) See:
    • Constructor Detail

      • HMEFMessage

        public HMEFMessage​(InputStream inp)
                    throws IOException
        inp - input stream
        IOException - If reading data from the stream fails
        RuntimeException - a number of runtime exceptions can be thrown, especially if there are problems with the input format
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageMAPIAttributes

        public List<MAPIAttribute> getMessageMAPIAttributes()
        Returns all MAPI attributes of the message. Note - A small number of HMEF/TNEF specific attributes normally apply to most messages, see getMessageAttributes()
      • getAttachments

        public List<Attachment> getAttachments()
        Returns all the Attachments of the message.
      • getMessageAttribute

        public TNEFAttribute getMessageAttribute​(TNEFProperty id)
        Return the message attribute with the given ID, or null if there isn't one.
      • getMessageMAPIAttribute

        public MAPIAttribute getMessageMAPIAttribute​(MAPIProperty id)
        Return the message MAPI Attribute with the given ID, or null if there isn't one.
      • getSubject

        public String getSubject()
        Returns the Message Subject, or null if the mapi property for this isn't set
      • getBody

        public String getBody()
        Returns the Message Body, as RTF, or null if the mapi property for this isn't set