Class AnimationInfoAtom

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class AnimationInfoAtom
    extends RecordAtom
    An atom record that specifies the animation information for a shape.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int AnimateBg
      whether the background of the shape is animated
      static int Automatic
      whether the animation starts automatically
      static int Hide
      whether the shape is hidden while the animation is not playing
      static int Play
      whether an associated sound, media or action verb is activated when the shape is clicked.
      static int Reverse
      whether the animation plays in the reverse direction
      static int Sound
      whether the animation has an associated sound
      static int StopSound
      whether all playing sounds are stopped when this animation begins
      static int Synchronous
      specifies that the animation, while playing, stops other slide show actions.
      • Fields inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected AnimationInfoAtom()
      Constructs a brand new link related atom record.
      protected AnimationInfoAtom​(byte[] source, int start, int len)
      Constructs the link related atom record from its source data.
    • Field Detail

      • Reverse

        public static final int Reverse
        whether the animation plays in the reverse direction
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Automatic

        public static final int Automatic
        whether the animation starts automatically
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Sound

        public static final int Sound
        whether the animation has an associated sound
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • StopSound

        public static final int StopSound
        whether all playing sounds are stopped when this animation begins
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Play

        public static final int Play
        whether an associated sound, media or action verb is activated when the shape is clicked.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Synchronous

        public static final int Synchronous
        specifies that the animation, while playing, stops other slide show actions.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Hide

        public static final int Hide
        whether the shape is hidden while the animation is not playing
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • AnimateBg

        public static final int AnimateBg
        whether the background of the shape is animated
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnimationInfoAtom

        protected AnimationInfoAtom()
        Constructs a brand new link related atom record.
      • AnimationInfoAtom

        protected AnimationInfoAtom​(byte[] source,
                                    int start,
                                    int len)
        Constructs the link related atom record from its source data.
        source - the source data as a byte array.
        start - the start offset into the byte array.
        len - the length of the slice in the byte array.
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordType

        public long getRecordType()
        Gets the record type.
        Specified by:
        getRecordType in class Record
        the record type.
      • writeOut

        public void writeOut​(OutputStream out)
                      throws IOException
        Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk
        Specified by:
        writeOut in class Record
        out - the output stream to write to.
        IOException - if an error occurs.
      • getDimColor

        public int getDimColor()
        A rgb structure that specifies a color for the dim effect after the animation is complete.
        color for the dim effect after the animation is complete
      • setDimColor

        public void setDimColor​(int rgb)
        A rgb structure that specifies a color for the dim effect after the animation is complete.
        rgb - color for the dim effect after the animation is complete
      • getMask

        public int getMask()
        A bit mask specifying options for displaying headers and footers
        A bit mask specifying options for displaying headers and footers
      • setMask

        public void setMask​(int mask)
        A bit mask specifying options for displaying video
        mask - A bit mask specifying options for displaying video
      • getFlag

        public boolean getFlag​(int bit)
        bit - the bit to check
        whether the specified flag is set
      • setFlag

        public void setFlag​(int bit,
                            boolean value)
        bit - the bit to set
        value - whether the specified bit is set
      • getSoundIdRef

        public int getSoundIdRef()
        A 4-byte unsigned integer that specifies a reference to a sound in the SoundCollectionContainer record to locate the embedded audio
        reference to a sound
      • setSoundIdRef

        public void setSoundIdRef​(int id)
        A 4-byte unsigned integer that specifies a reference to a sound in the SoundCollectionContainer record to locate the embedded audio
        id - reference to a sound
      • getDelayTime

        public int getDelayTime()
        A signed integer that specifies the delay time, in milliseconds, before the animation starts to play. If Automatic is 0x1, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 0; otherwise, this field MUST be ignored.
      • setDelayTime

        public void setDelayTime​(int id)
        A signed integer that specifies the delay time, in milliseconds, before the animation starts to play. If Automatic is 0x1, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 0; otherwise, this field MUST be ignored.
      • getOrderID

        public int getOrderID()
        A signed integer that specifies the order of the animation in the slide. It MUST be greater than or equal to -2. The value -2 specifies that this animation follows the order of the corresponding placeholder shape on the main master slide or title master slide. The value -1 SHOULD NOT be used.
      • setOrderID

        public void setOrderID​(int id)
        A signed integer that specifies the order of the animation in the slide. It MUST be greater than or equal to -2. The value -2 specifies that this animation follows the order of the corresponding placeholder shape on the main master slide or title master slide. The value -1 SHOULD NOT be used.
      • getSlideCount

        public int getSlideCount()
        An unsigned integer that specifies the number of slides that this animation continues playing. This field is utilized only in conjunction with media. The value 0xFFFFFFFF specifies that the animation plays for one slide.
      • setSlideCount

        public void setSlideCount​(int id)
        An unsigned integer that specifies the number of slides that this animation continues playing. This field is utilized only in conjunction with media. The value 0xFFFFFFFF specifies that the animation plays for one slide.