Class PlexOfCps

  • public final class PlexOfCps
    extends Object
    Plex of CPs stored in File (PLCF)

    common data structure in a Word file. Contains an array of 4 byte ints in the front that relate to an array of arbitrary data structures in the back.

    See page 184 of official documentation for details

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlexOfCps

        public PlexOfCps​(int sizeOfStruct)
      • PlexOfCps

        public PlexOfCps​(byte[] buf,
                         int start,
                         int cb,
                         int cbStruct)
        cb - The size of PLCF in bytes
        cbStruct - The size of the data structure type stored in this PlexOfCps.
    • Method Detail

      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray()
      • length

        public int length()
        returns the number of data structures in this PlexofCps.
        The number of data structures in this PlexofCps