Interface AuthenticationState

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuthenticationState
Interface for authentication state.

Pulsar integrates with this class in the following order: 1. Initialize the class by calling AuthenticationProvider.newAuthState(AuthData, SocketAddress, SSLSession) 2. Call authenticate(AuthData). If result is not null, send to client. And call authenticate(AuthData) with the client's response. Repeat until result of authenticate(AuthData) is null or an exception. 3. Call getAuthRole() and getAuthDataSource() to use for authentication. It is expected that these responses update with each call to authenticate(AuthData). 4. Poll isExpired() until it returns true. 5. Call refreshAuthentication() and GoTo step 2 when client responds.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    authenticate(org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData authData)
    use and implement authenticateAsync(AuthData) instead.
    default CompletableFuture<org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData>
    authenticateAsync(org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData authData)
    Challenge passed in auth data.
    Return AuthenticationDataSource.
    After the authentication between client and broker completed, get authentication role represent for the client.
    default long
    Get AuthenticationState ID.
    this method's logic is captured by the result of authenticateAsync(AuthData).
    default boolean
    If the authentication state is expired, it will force the connection to be re-authenticated.
    default org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData
    If the authentication state supports refreshing and the credentials are expired, the auth provider will call this method to initiate the refresh process.
  • Method Details

    • getAuthRole

      String getAuthRole() throws AuthenticationException
      After the authentication between client and broker completed, get authentication role represent for the client. It should throw exception if auth not complete.
    • authenticate

      @Deprecated org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData authenticate(org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData authData) throws AuthenticationException
      use and implement authenticateAsync(AuthData) instead.
      Challenge passed in auth data and get response data.
    • authenticateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData> authenticateAsync(org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData authData)
      Challenge passed in auth data. If authentication is complete after the execution of this method, return null. Otherwise, return response data to be sent to the client.

      Note: the implementation of authenticate(AuthData) converted a null result into a zero length byte array when isComplete() returned false after authentication. In order to simplify this interface, the determination of whether to send a challenge back to the client is only based on the result of this method. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, the default implementation of this method calls isComplete() and returns a result compliant with the new paradigm.

    • getAuthDataSource

      AuthenticationDataSource getAuthDataSource()
      Return AuthenticationDataSource.
    • isComplete

      @Deprecated boolean isComplete()
      this method's logic is captured by the result of authenticateAsync(AuthData). When the result is a CompletableFuture with a null result, authentication is complete. When the result is a CompletableFuture with a nonnull result, authentication is incomplete and requires an auth challenge.
      Whether the authentication is completed or not.
    • getStateId

      default long getStateId()
      Get AuthenticationState ID.
    • isExpired

      default boolean isExpired()
      If the authentication state is expired, it will force the connection to be re-authenticated.
    • refreshAuthentication

      default org.apache.pulsar.common.api.AuthData refreshAuthentication() throws AuthenticationException
      If the authentication state supports refreshing and the credentials are expired, the auth provider will call this method to initiate the refresh process.

      The auth state here will return the broker side data that will be used to send a challenge to the client.

      the AuthData for the broker challenge to client