All Classes and Interfaces

Batch message container framework.
The abstract class of multi version avro base reader.
The abstract class of multi version generic reader.
The multi version reader abstract class, implement it will handle the multi version schema.
minimal abstract StructSchema.
Acknowledgments grouping tracker.
Factory class that allows to create Authentication instances for OAuth 2.0 authentication methods.
This plugin requires these parameters: keyStoreType, keyStorePath, and keyStorePassword.
Pulsar client authentication provider based on OAuth 2.0.
This plugin requires these parameters tlsCertFile: A file path for a client certificate.
Token based authentication provider.
Auto detect schema, returns only GenericRecord instances.
Auto detect schema.
This is a base schema implementation for Avro Based `Struct` types.
An AVRO schema implementation.
A schema for `Boolean`.
A bytebuffer schema is effectively a `BYTES` schema.
A variant `Bytes` schema that takes ByteBuf.
A schema for 'Byte'.
A schema for bytes array.
Channel handler for the Pulsar client.
Indicates the usage status of the connection and whether it has been released.
This is a simple holder of the client configuration values.
An interface for exchanging client credentials for an access token.
A token request based on the exchange of client credentials.
Utils for loading configuration data.
A container that hold the list ConsumerInterceptor and wraps calls to the chain of custom interceptors.
A schema for `java.util.Date` or `java.sql.Date`.
Resolves OAuth 2.0 authorization server metadata as described in RFC 8414.
A schema for `Double`.
A schema for `Float`.
A generic avro record.
A generic avro schema.
Generic json record.
A generic json schema.
Generic ProtobufNative schema.
A generic schema representation for AvroBasedGenericSchema .
A schema for `java.time.Instant`.
A schema for `Integer`.
Reader implementation for reading objects from JSON.
Writer implementation for writing objects as JSON.
use JacksonJsonReader instead.
A schema implementation to deal with json data.
use JacksonJsonWriter instead.
A JSON object representing a credentials file.
[Key, Value] pair schema definition.
A schema for `java.time.LocalDate`.
A schema for `java.time.LocalDateTime`.
A schema for `java.time.LocalTime`.
A schema for `Long`.
Provides lookup service to find broker which serves given topic.
A wrapper of ByteBuf that implements MessagePayload.
Represents OAuth 2.0 Server Metadata.
Resolves OAuth 2.0 authorization server metadata as described in RFC 8414.
Builder of MultiplierRedeliveryBackoff.
A multi version avro reader.
A multi version generic avro reader.
A multi version generic json reader.
A multi version generic protobuf-native reader.
Multi version generic schema provider by guava cache.
Schema from a native Apache Avro schema.
A no-op acknowledgment grouping tracker.
Listener that notified when concerned topic partitions changed.
Group the acknowledgements for a certain time and then sends them out in a single protobuf command.
Queue implementation that is used as the pending messages queue.
A container that holds the listProducerInterceptor and wraps calls to the chain of custom interceptors.
ProtobufNativeReader<T extends>
ProtobufNativeSchema<T extends>
A schema implementation to deal with protobuf generated messages.
Protobuf-Native schema util used for serialize/deserialize between Descriptors.Descriptor and ProtobufNativeSchemaData.
ProtobufNativeWriter<T extends>
ProtobufReader<T extends>
ProtobufSchema<T extends>
A schema implementation to deal with protobuf generated messages.
ProtobufWriter<T extends>
Helper class for class instantiations and it also contains methods to work with schemas.
The default implementation of ServiceNameResolver.
ReaderInterceptorUtil is used to wrap ReaderInterceptor by ConsumerInterceptor.
The default implementation of RecordSchemaBuilder.
The routing strategy here: If a key is present, choose a partition based on a hash of the key.
Builder to build GenericRecord.
A json schema definition SchemaDefinition for the json schema definition.
Class helping to initialize schemas.
A service name resolver to resolve real socket address.
A schema for `Short`.
Schema definition for Strings encoded in UTF-8 format.
A schema for `java.sql.Time`.
A schema for `java.sql.Timestamp`.
A client for an OAuth 2.0 token endpoint.
Represents an error returned from an OAuth 2.0 token endpoint.
Indicates a token exchange failure.
The result of a token exchange request.
Interface of transaction buffer handler.
The default implementation of transaction builder to build transactions.
Transaction coordinator client based topic assigned.
The default implementation of Transaction.
Handler for transaction meta store.