程序包 org.apache.pulsar.policies.data.loadbalancer

package org.apache.pulsar.policies.data.loadbalancer
Classes to define policies for the load distribution.
  • 说明
    The advertisedListener for broker with brokerServiceUrl and brokerServiceUrlTls.
    BrokerUsage object encapsulates the resources that are only used by broker, for now, it's connections both to outside JVM and to the local.
    JvmUsage represents set of resources that are specific to JVM and are used by broker, load balancing need to know this detail.
    This class represents the overall load of the broker - it includes overall SystemResourceUsage and NamespaceUsage for all the namespaces hosted by this broker.
    Deserializer for a load report.
    Contains all the data that is maintained locally on each broker.
    this class represents usages of resources used by a namespace, this is an aggregate of all the topics and queues on the namespace.
    The class containing information about system resources, allocated quota, and loaded bundles.
    This class represents a object which reflects system resource usage per resource and the upper limit on the resource.
    Definition of possible resource types.