Class PortMessages

  • public class PortMessages
    extends Object
    DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY, THIS FILE WAS GENERATED. Generated using GenerateLogMessages and LogMessages.vm This file is based on the content of To regenerate, use Maven lifecycle generates-sources with -Dgenerate=true
    • Method Detail


        public static LogMessage BIND_FAILED​(CharSequence param1,
                                             Number param2)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1009 : FAILED to bind {0} service to {1,number,#} - port in use
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.
      • CLOSE

        public static LogMessage CLOSE​(CharSequence param1)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1003 : Close : "{0}"
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.

        public static LogMessage CONNECTION_COUNT_WARN​(Number param1,
                                                       Number param2,
                                                       Number param3)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1004 : Connection count {0,number} within {1, number} % of maximum {2,number}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.

        public static LogMessage CONNECTION_REJECTED_CLOSED​(CharSequence param1)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1008 : Connection from {0} rejected. Port closed.
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.

        public static LogMessage CONNECTION_REJECTED_TOO_MANY​(CharSequence param1,
                                                              Number param2)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1005 : Connection from {0} rejected. Maximum connection count ({1, number}) for this port already reached.
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.
      • CREATE

        public static LogMessage CREATE​(CharSequence param1,
                                        CharSequence param2,
                                        CharSequence param3)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1001 : Create : "{0}" : {1} : {2}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.
      • DELETE

        public static LogMessage DELETE​(CharSequence param1,
                                        CharSequence param2)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1006 : Delete "{0}" : {1}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.
      • OPEN

        public static LogMessage OPEN​(CharSequence param1,
                                      CharSequence param2)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1002 : Open : "{0}" : {1}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.

        public static LogMessage OPERATION​(CharSequence param1)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1010 : Operation : {0}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.

        public static LogMessage UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_HEADER​(CharSequence param1,
                                                             CharSequence param2)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1007 : Unsupported protocol header received {0}, replying with {1}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.
      • UPDATE

        public static LogMessage UPDATE​(CharSequence param1,
                                        CharSequence param2,
                                        CharSequence param3)
        Log a Port message of the Format:
        PRT-1011 : Update : "{0}" : {1} : {2}
        Optional values are contained in [square brackets] and are numbered sequentially in the method call.