Class AbstractLogSubject

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLogSubject

        public AbstractLogSubject()
    • Method Detail

      • setLogStringWithFormat

        protected void setLogStringWithFormat​(String format,
                                              Object... args)
        Set the toString logging of this LogSubject. Based on a format provided by format and the var args.
        format - The Message to format
        args - The values to put in to the message.
      • toLogString

        public String toLogString()
        toLogString is how the Logging infrastructure will get the text for this LogSubject
        Specified by:
        toLogString in interface LogSubject
        String representing this LogSubject
      • getLogString

        public String getLogString()
        The logString that will be returned via toLogString
      • setLogString

        public void setLogString​(String logString)