Interface ConfigurationChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • stateChanged

        void stateChanged​(ConfiguredObject<?> object,
                          State oldState,
                          State newState)
        Inform the listener that the passed object has changed state
        object - the object whose state has changed
        oldState - the state prior to the change
        newState - the state after the change
      • bulkChangeStart

        void bulkChangeStart​(ConfiguredObject<?> object)
        Inform the listener that several attributes of an object are about to change. The listener may choose to defer any action in attributeSet until bulkChangeEnd is called. There should not be multiple calls to bulkChangeStart without matching bulkChangeEnd calls in between. There should be no calls to attributeSet for objects other than the one passed as an argument until bulkChangeEnd is called. There should be no call to childRemove between bulkChangeStart/-End calls.
        object - the object whose state is about to change
        See Also:
      • bulkChangeEnd

        void bulkChangeEnd​(ConfiguredObject<?> object)
        Inform the listener that the changes announced by bulkChangeStart are complete. The listener who has chosen to defer any action in attributeSet after bulkChangeStart was called should now act on those changes. A call to bulkChangeEnd without a prior matching call to bulkChangeStart should have no effect.
        object - the object whose state has changed
        See Also: