All Classes and Interfaces

Allows Shiro Annotations to work in any AOP Alliance specific implementation environment (for example, Spring).
TODO - complete JavaDoc
Bean post processor for Spring that automatically calls the init() and/or destroy() methods on Shiro objects that implement the Initializable or Destroyable interfaces, respectfully.
An implementation of the Spring RemoteInvocationExecutor that binds a sessionId to the incoming thread to make it available to the SecurityManager implementation during the thread execution.
A RemoteInvocationFactory that passes the session ID to the server via a RemoteInvocation attribute.
Spring BeanPostProcessor that detects, EventBusAware and classes containing @Subscribe methods.
FactoryBean to be used in Spring-based web applications for defining the master Shiro Filter.
A Spring UrlPathHelper that uses Shiro's path resolution logic.
AnnotationResolver implementation that uses Spring's more robust AnnotationUtils to find method annotations instead of the JDKs simpler (and rather lacking) Method.getAnnotation(class) implementation.