Class EngineConstants

  • public class EngineConstants
    extends Object
    The CoreConstants interface provides some symbolic constants for well known constant strings in Sling. Even though these constants will never change, it is recommended that applications refer to the symbolic constants instead of code the strings themselves.
    • Field Detail

      • SLING_HOME

        public static final String SLING_HOME
        Use SlingSettingsService.SLING_HOME
        The name of the framework property defining the Sling home directory (value is "sling.home"). This is a Platform file system directory below which all runtime data, such as the Felix bundle archives, logfiles, the repository, etc., is located.

        This property is available calling the BundleContext.getProperty(String) method.

        See Also:
        SLING_HOME_URL, Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_HOME_URL
        Use SlingSettingsService.SLING_HOME_URL
        The name of the framework property defining the Sling home directory as an URL (value is "sling.home.url").

        The value of this property is assigned the value of new File(${sling.home}).toURI().toString() before resolving the property variables.

        This property is available calling the BundleContext.getProperty(String) method.

        See Also:
        SLING_HOME, Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_CURRENT_SERVLET_NAME
        Use SlingConstants.SLING_CURRENT_SERVLET_NAME
        The name of the request attribute providing the name of the currently executing servlet (value is "sling.core.current.servletName"). This attribute is set immediately before calling the Servlet.service() method and reset to any previously stored value after the service method returns.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_SERLVET_NAME
        The name of the service registration property of a Servlet registered as a service containing the name of the servlet (value is "sling.core.servletName"). If this property is missing or empty, the property or the is used. If none of the three properties is defined, the Servlet is ignored.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SESSION

        public static final String SESSION
        as of bundle version 2.1
        The javax.jcr.Session request attribute used to be set by the SlingAuthenticator upon successfull authentication. with the release of the Authentication Core 1.0.0 bundle, this request attribute is not set any more.

        Applications requiring access to the JCR Session must be modified to get the Resource Resolver from the Sling request ( SlingHttpServletRequest.getResourceResolver()) and adapt it to the JCR Session.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_PATTERN
        Regular expression pattern for enabling a filter on a matching path This refers to both, the request path and the resolved resource path excluding selectors, extension and suffix.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_RESOURCE_PATTERN
        Regular expression pattern for enabling a filter on a matching request path This refers to the resolved resource path excluding selectors, extension and suffix.
        2.4.0, Sling Engine 2.7.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_REQUEST_PATTERN
        Regular expression pattern for enabling a filter on a matching request path This refers to the request path excluding selectors, extension and suffix.
        2.4.0, Sling Engine 2.7.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_SUFFIX_PATTERN
        Regular expression pattern for enabling a filter on a matching request suffix
        Sling Engine 2.7
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_SELECTORS
        Set of selectors enabling a filter if contains one or more request selectors
        Sling Engine 2.7
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_METHODS
        Set of methods enabling a filter on contains request method
        Sling Engine 2.7
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_RESOURCETYPES
        Set of resource types enabling a filter if contains request resource type
        Sling Engine 2.7
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SLING_FILTER_EXTENSIONS
        Set of extensions enabling a filter if contains request extension
        Sling Engine 2.7
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_SCOPE_COMPONENT
        Filter scope value identifying a component level filter.

        Component level filters are called once at the beginning of each request (after the FILTER_SCOPE_REQUEST filters) and for each resource being included or forwarded. The order of calling the filters is defined by the service.ranking (or FILTER_ORDER) property and the service registration ID.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        SLING_FILTER_SCOPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_SCOPE_ERROR
        Filter scope value identifying an error level filter.

        Error level filters are called before calling the ErrorHandler due to either a HttpServletResponse.sendError call or due to an uncaught Throwable. The order of calling the filters is defined by the service.ranking (or FILTER_ORDER) property and the service registration ID.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        FILTER_SCOPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_SCOPE_INCLUDE
        Filter scope value identifying an include level filter.

        Include level filters are called before the script handling an included resource is called. A resource is considered included if it rendered as a result of calling RequestDispatcher.include. This may also be induced by any JSP tags causing the RequestDispatcher.include method being called, e.g. <sling:include>. The order of calling the filters is defined by the service.ranking (or FILTER_ORDER) property and the service registration ID.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        FILTER_SCOPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_SCOPE_FORWARD
        Filter scope value identifying a forward level filter.

        Forward level filters are called before the script handling a forwarded resource is called. A resource is considered forwarded if it rendered as a result of calling RequestDispatcher.forward. This may also be induced by any JSP tags causing the RequestDispatcher.forward method being called, e.g. <sling:forward>. The order of calling the filters is defined by the service.ranking (or FILTER_ORDER) property and the service registration ID.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        FILTER_SCOPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_SCOPE_REQUEST
        Filter scope value identifying a request level filter.

        Request level filters are called once at the beginning of each request. The order of calling the filters is defined by the service.ranking (or FILTER_ORDER) property and the service registration ID.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        FILTER_SCOPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final String FILTER_ORDER
        Use "service.ranking" (org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING) instead
        The name of the service registration property previously used to place an order amongst filters. Starting with the Sling Engine 2.2, filters should be registered with a standard service.ranking service property to implement filter ordering.

        If a service is registered with both a service.ranking and a filter.order property, the service.ranking property is used for ordering. If only a filter.order property is used it is currently still used.

        2.1, Sling Engine 2.2
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • EngineConstants

        public EngineConstants()