Class DefaultAclManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultAclManager

        public DefaultAclManager​(@Nullable
                                 @Nullable String enforcePrincipalBasedSupportedPath,
                                 @NotNull String systemRelPath)
        Use DefaultAclManager(String,String,boolean) instead
        enforcePrincipalBasedSupportedPath - The supported path if principal-based access control setup for service users should be enforced; null otherwise.
        systemRelPath - The relative intermediate path used for all system users.
      • DefaultAclManager

        public DefaultAclManager​(@Nullable
                                 @Nullable String enforcePrincipalBasedSupportedPath,
                                 @NotNull String systemRelPath,
                                 boolean alwaysForceSystemUserPath)
        Creates a new instance of DefaultAclManager.
        enforcePrincipalBasedSupportedPath - The supported path if principal-based access control setup for service users should be enforced; null otherwise.
        systemRelPath - The relative intermediate path used for all system users.
        alwaysForceSystemUserPath - Option to make sure all system users are being created with the specified intermediate path (i.e. translating to 'with forced path' statements in repoinit).