Class SystemUser

  • public class SystemUser
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemUser

        public SystemUser​(@NotNull
                          @NotNull String id,
                          @NotNull RepoPath path,
                          @NotNull RepoPath intermediatePath)
        id - - the authorizableId to use.
        path - - the original repository path of the user in the content-package.
        intermediatePath - - the intermediate path the user should have - most likely the (direct) parent of the path.
      • SystemUser

        public SystemUser​(@NotNull
                          @NotNull String id,
                          @NotNull RepoPath path,
                          @NotNull RepoPath intermediatePath,
                          @Nullable String disabledReason)
        id - - the authorizableId to use.
        path - - the original repository path of the user in the content-package.
        intermediatePath - - the intermediate path the user should have - most likely the (direct) parent of the path.
        disabledReason - - the reason why this user has been disabled or null.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public @NotNull String getId()
      • getPath

        public @NotNull RepoPath getPath()
      • getIntermediatePath

        public @NotNull RepoPath getIntermediatePath()
      • getDisabledReason

        public @Nullable String getDisabledReason()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object