Class IndexDefinitions


public class IndexDefinitions extends Object
Holds information about discovered index definitions

According to the Oak documentation, indexes are located under a root /oak:index, or (lucene indexes only) under arbitrary repository locations, as long as they have an oak:index parent node.

This class supports non-root indexes but does not attempt to enforce Oak-level invariants, such as which index types support non-root locations.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IndexDefinitions

      public IndexDefinitions()
  • Method Details

    • addNode

      public void addNode(@NotNull @NotNull String parentPath, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.util.DocViewNode2 node)
    • getIndexes

      @NotNull public @NotNull Map<String,List<org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.util.DocViewNode2>> getIndexes()
      Returns the discovered index definitions by location

      The returned map has the index parent location as keys and the index definitions as values, for instance:

      • oak:index -> [counter, uuid]
      • content/oak:index -> [lucene-2]
      a map of discovered index locations, possibly empty
    • getChildren

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.util.DocViewNode2> getChildren(@NotNull @NotNull String parentPath)
    • toShortName

      @NotNull public @NotNull String toShortName(@NotNull @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name name)
      Returns a name in compact format

      Maps a fully qualified name, e.g. ['','index'] to a compact name like oak:index

      name - The name to map
      the compact name
    • registerBinary

      public void registerBinary(@NotNull @NotNull String repositoryPath, @NotNull @NotNull InputStream is) throws IOException
      Registers a binary entry at the specified repository path

      The input stream may be fully read into memory, and therefore is not expected to be unreasonably large.

      The input stream will be fully read, but not closed.

      repositoryPath - The JCR repository path where the binary was found
      is - the input stream for the binary
      IOException - in case of I/O problems
    • getBinary

      @NotNull public @NotNull Optional<byte[]> getBinary(@NotNull @NotNull String repositoryPath)
      Returns a potential binary registered for a repository path
      repositoryPath - the path of the repository
      an optional wrapping the binary data, possibly empty
    • registerPrefixMapping

      public void registerPrefixMapping(@NotNull @NotNull String prefix, @NotNull @NotNull String uri)
      Registers a prefix mapping for a specified uri
      prefix - the prefix
      uri - the uri
    • dump

      public void dump(@NotNull @NotNull PrintStream out)
      Dumps a compact representation of the data

      Useful for debugging purposes only

      out - the PrintStream to use