Interface InstallTaskFactory

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface InstallTaskFactory
    The install task factory creates a task for a given resource. An install task factory is a plugin service that checks a resource if it is installable by this plugin and creates an appropriate task.
    • Field Detail

      • NAME

        static final String NAME
        Optional service registration property setting a unique name for the task factory. The value of this property must be of type String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • createTask

        InstallTask createTask​(TaskResourceGroup group)
        Creates an InstallTask for the resource or null if the factory does not support the resource. The factory should not alter the state of the resources, therefore it's not allowed to call one of the setState methods on the task resource group!
        group - The group containing the resource to activate.
        An install task or null.