Class PathGenerator

  • public class PathGenerator
    extends Object
    Utility to generate all possible paths from segments (names)

    This class expects to be supplied segments starting with the top-most ones (leaves) up until, but excluding, the root.

    It generates all possible path combinations using a cartesian product that accummulates using a StringBuilder instead of a set, to prevent intermediate object creation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PathGenerator

        public PathGenerator()
    • Method Detail

      • insertSegment

        public void insertSegment​(@NotNull
                                  @NotNull List<String> alias,
                                  @NotNull String name)
        Inserts a new segment as the parent of the existing ones
        alias - the list of aliases
        name - the name
      • setResolutionPathInfo

        public void setResolutionPathInfo​(@Nullable
                                          @Nullable String resolutionInfo)
        Sets the resolution info, to be appended at the end
        resolutionInfo - the resolution info to append, ignored if null or empty
      • generatePaths

        public List<String> generatePaths()
        Generates all possible paths
        a list of paths containing at least one entry